Home Entertainment ‘It reminded me of Meluane’: Fabrizio Copano and his failure in the preview of his show in Vina del Mar

‘It reminded me of Meluane’: Fabrizio Copano and his failure in the preview of his show in Vina del Mar

‘It reminded me of Meluane’: Fabrizio Copano and his failure in the preview of his show in Vina del Mar

The comedian was invited to participate in the “Good Night to All” programme, and at the start of the show declared that the main thing was to get the public to listen to him.

Chilean comedian Fabrizio Copano recalled the beginning of his tense routine at the 2023 Viña del Mar festival. He had to begin his day-to-day work amidst a series of blunders that were the product of a public desire for Christina Aguilera’s return.

Specifically, the comedians went unnoticed on their way up to the stage while they prepared new scenery for the place. he was lying in bed.

But neither the entertainer nor he could start the routine. Because after Christina Aguilera’s presentation at Quinta Vergara, The public began to demand the artist’s return to the stage.

The place was filled with tension. Over 25 minutes of non-stop madness animator Maria Luisa Godoy revealed her displeasure with the public’s behavior, a moment remembered in the show Goodnight everyone.

“And there I was, in bed,” he said, laughing as he watched the moment on TV.

When asked by Eduardo Fuentes about how that moment came about in the public’s allegations, Copano admitted “I had two thoughts” at the time.

My first thought was, “This can be turned upside down.” . I’m going to a worse show than this, a place that’s harder, a place where people don’t listen to you and turn their backs on you, a place where they heal, a place where violence heals, a place I don’t even know. I came. How to speak that language well,” the singer recalled.

On the other hand, even in that stanchion bed, he admitted:(Ricardo) I remember the first time Melane (2011), that people messed up because they wanted Sting, who was there before.

“He stabbed me a bit and said, ‘No, it’s already gone’ (…) don’t do that, Never say Christina Aguilera’s name because you’re taking her back.” he remembered.

The branch also asserted that Meruan learned from his own life experience that “the one who bites is the one who loses”.

Breakaway from Fabrizio Copano’s failure

“Having tried the joke hundreds of times, I knew it would work. I just wanted them to listen to me. ” he declared, and it was a moment that he achieved just a few minutes after standing in front of the stage.

In that branch, when asked about his nerves about this allegation, he affirmed, “It’s not like they were kidding me,” but because “they wanted more of the above,” he said yes. We were able to. Starting the show “wasn’t that hard”.

“It’s the same with years of flight. Anyone with as much show in their body as me can do this . If you keep your cool in all this chaos, people will understand that,” he also explained.

“At some point, I asked the whole audience to listen, The joke was good, so I got to the good point. ” he remembered.

Similarly, he pointed out: It was a climactic, heavy experience. ”

Source: Biobiochile


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