Home World Productivity revitalization bonuses offered to smallholders in Eublé affected by floods

Productivity revitalization bonuses offered to smallholders in Eublé affected by floods

Productivity revitalization bonuses offered to smallholders in Eublé affected by floods

This is the third day of agricultural officials’ visits to areas affected by the front system. This Wednesday, they visited the Paral commune south of Maule to participate in the distribution of bonuses to 79 Indap-certified producers whose produce and crops were similarly damaged. Deliveries began in Mall, Parral and Curept on Tuesday, with deliveries in various communes in the O’Higgins area on Monday.

San Fabian was the location chosen by the authorities of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Agricultural Development Institute (Indap) starts with – region distribution of productive reactivation bonuses from Donate between $1 million and up to $5 million to those affected Due to the recent front system.

Minister Esteban Valenzuela met with Mr. Santiago Rojas, Head of Indap National Department, at the following meeting. A commune in Yamamae where 182 producers gather After the cadastral has been confirmed receipt of these deposits in total, $346 million total To repair systems that have been wholly or partially damaged by heavy rain.

Incentives were also distributed Jiken another commune of Eublé affected by the passage of the front system. 122 farmers benefited The total amount of bonds is $296 million. Therefore, this he, limited to two regions, Resources reach $642 million Benefiting a total of 304 agricultural producers.

Minister Valenzuela stressed the importance of this aid and reiterated the government’s determination to continue to support smallholder agriculture. He further emphasized the joint work with the Ministry of Public Works for the design and implementation of irrigation systems to ensure access to irrigation and food water according to the current situation.

Providing Bonuses to Dual Farmers

Affected Huvre farmers mainly concentrate on growing fruit trees, but also vegetables. Producers have been pre-surveyed by Indap’s technical and professional team to determine the amount of damage to agricultural production, and the resources will be transferred directly to each beneficiary’s bank account.

On this occasion, officials spoke with benefited farmers to learn firsthand about the smallholder farming landscape in this part of the country and how they foresee the future of economic activity.

Additionally, prior to the delivery of these bonds, Indap Ñuble distributed over 600 tons of animal feed to both communes to help 471 farmers affected by the August rains and floods.

Source: Biobiochile


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