Home Politics Nuevas Ideas seeks to regulate the definitive absence of councilors in the Code.

Nuevas Ideas seeks to regulate the definitive absence of councilors in the Code.

Nuevas Ideas seeks to regulate the definitive absence of councilors in the Code.

The City Council has multiple participants.

The City Council has multiple participants.

Amending the Municipal Law to incorporate cases of permanent absence of local council members is part of an initiative presented by Nuevas Ideas to the Legislative Assembly.

A letter filed by Deputy Chief Caleb Navarro, deputy head of the Nuevas Ideas faction, proposes to amend Section 41 of the City Law. Current regulations “restrict the normal functioning of the city council and its decision-making,” said a member of parliament.

Currently, the code indicates that in the absence of one or more owners, they shall be replaced by “elected deputies corresponding to the same political party or coalition”. Also, in the absence of alternates from the same party or coalition, the Council shall decide by simple majority for the purposes of forming a quorum.


The proposal seeks to define cases of definite owner absence due to “serious illness or disability, residence outside the territory of the country, or death that prevents the attendance of a trustee.” It is covered by a deputy elected from the same political party or federation of the owner. If not present, the council can summon anyone from another political party.

Source: Diario Elmundo


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