Home Technology Google Chrome expands customization options with new themes and wallpapers

Google Chrome expands customization options with new themes and wallpapers

Google Chrome expands customization options with new themes and wallpapers

Customizable interface for Google Chrome/Europa Press.

Customizable interface for Google Chrome/Europa Press.

The latest update of Google Chrome introduces a new button in the settings side panel that lets you customize your desktop interface with new themes and wallpapers.

Google Chrome’s main page has a shortcut to a space that provides basic customization options to apply to classic Chrome using the default colors, and a button to select a specific color in the palette.

This time, Google has introduced a separate section denoting “Change Theme”, opening a new settings menu with options for interface backgrounds such as cityscapes, geometric shapes, art, landscapes, and textures.

Other categories available in this new option box include Native American Artists, Latino Artists Collection, LGBT+ Artists, Black Artists Collection, and Asia Pacific Island Artists. However, Google said it plans to showcase new collections by other artists throughout the year.

You can also download themes from the Chrome Web Store or upload images stored locally on your device. If you select some of these collections, select the “update daily” option and the collection will change every 24 hours for him.

After you choose a theme, you can change the color of your taskbar, choose whether to show shortcuts, or let Chrome suggest shortcuts to frequently visited websites.

Source: Diario.Elmundo


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